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Wildflower and Mushroom Photography

Hiding Poppy Capsule, Denkendorf, Germany

Poppies, Denkendorf, Germany

Backlit Mushroom Family, Denkendorf, Germany

Fern Fiddleheads Unfurling

Bee Balm, Missouri Wildflower Photo Print

Unfurling Fern Fiddlehead, Missouri

Eastern Red Columbine Pair, Missouri

Eastern Red Columbine, Missouri

Eastern Shooting Star, Missouri

Water Droplet Aspen Leaves Rainbow

Orange Sneezeweed-Crested Butte, Colorado

Gothic Mountain Wildflowers

Star Trails over Gothic Mountain

Western Fence and Wildflowers-Crested Butte, Colorado

Crested Butte Lupines

Checkerspot Butterfly-Crested Butte, Colorado

Gothic Mountain Lupines-Crested Butte, Colorado

Crested Butte Wildflower Milky Way

Little Leafhopper big Mushrooms

Fliegenpilz/Fly Agaric, Denkendorf Germany

Boletus Rohrling, Denkendorf Germany

Pantherpilz, Baden-Württemberg Germany

Upright Coral Fungus

Bolete in Forest

Parasolpilz Bebenhausen, Baden-Württemberg Germany

Feldtrichterling, Baden-Württemberg

Egerlingsschirmlinge/Virgin Cap

Old Man of the Mountain/Alpine Sunflower

Gothic Yellow Wildflower Meadow

Coral Fungus, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Mushrooms in Moss, Schönbuch Germany

Mushroom Family, Schönbuch Germany

Rosy Paintbrush Sunset

San Juan Wildflower Meadow

Larkspur and Sunflower Meadow, Crested Butte, Colorado

San Juan Mountains Columbine, Colorado

Old Fence and Wildflower Meadow, Crested Butte

Purple Fringe Wildflowers in American Basin, Colorado

Prairie Pasque Flower Trio

Prairie Pasque Flower

Crested Butte Lupines, Colorado

Tiny Orange Mushrooms

Orange Mycena Mushroom

Mushrooms Forest Macro

Russulla Mushroom

Big Sur Calla Lilies

Mt. Crested Butte Summer Sunset, Colorado

Lupine Sunset Vertical, New Zealand

Lupine River, New Zealand

Lupine Star Trails, New Zealand

Lupines and Mountains, New Zealand

Lupine Field, New Zealand

Sunset Wildflower Bouquet, Crested Butte

Beckwith Wildflowers, Colorado

Rosy Paintbrush, Ice Lakes Colorado

Alpine-forget-me-not, Mt. Evans, Colorado

Columbine, Blue Lakes, Colorado

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