Having a blog is nice because it lets you slip things into your website that don’t otherwise fit, like whiskey distilleries that look like something out of an 1800’s science fiction novel. Ft. Collins is a town of breweries, various random oddities, and quirky Easter eggs like this for the finding. My buddy’s friend owns this tiny whiskey distillery that we sometimes visit. Truth be told, liquor tastes like poison to me and makes me wretch, but I go anyway because the place has an interesting vibe (though I can sometimes stomach a maple whiskey shot). The particular whiskey distillery shall remain nameless because these photos potentially reveal trade secrets. The distilling room is mesmerizing because of the über shiny copper and stainless steel pipework that looks like the engine room to Jules Verne’s Nautilus. I wanted to photograph the distillery ever since I saw it because the sharp contrasts and tones in the metal’s chrome surface were perfect fodder for HDR processing.