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Rocky Mountain Bird Photography

Broad-billed Hummingbird, Patagonia AZ

Snow Goose with Motion Blur

Great Gray Owl in Flight

Mountain Bluebird on Wire Feeding Chick

Northern Flicker Landing on Tree, Fort Collins CO

Boreal Owl in Birch Tree

Snow Goose Angel

Rufous Hummingbird, Sierra Vista, AZ

Great Gray Owl hunting Vole

Northern Hawk Owl in Flight

Great Gray Owl on the Wing

Great Gray Owl Evening Hunt

Snow Goose Afterglow Blast-off

Great Gray Owl in Snowy Tree

Great Gray Owl Portrait

Sandhill Crane Swooping

Roseate Spoonbill in flight, Sebastian FL

Sunrise Sandhill Cranes on the Water, Socorro, NM

American Dipper Leg Up

Snow Goose Frozen in Flight, Socorro NM

Sandhill Crane Golden Silhouette

Sandhill Crane Reflection

Sandhill Crane Sunny Takeoff

Sandhill Dawn Flight

Sandhill Crane Flock in Flight, Socorro NM

Sandhill Crane Launching from Water, Socorro NM

Snow Goose Evening Blast-off, Socorro NM

Landing Sandhill Crane with Blackbird Flock

Great Egret Flying through Cypress Swamp, Orlando FL

Common Buzzard Launching, BW Germany

Mountain Bluebird in Defocussed Meadow

Eurasian Kestrel

Common Buzzard Eating Mouse

Mountain Bluebird Feeding Fledgling

Eastern Bluebird Male Landing, Missouri

Male Eastern Bluebird Perched in Sun

Snowy Egrets Sparring, Sebastian FL

Western Meadowlark, Fort Collins CO

Black Skimmer catching Fish, Sebastian FL

White-faced Ibis, Sebastian FL

Northern Harrier, Fort Collins CO

Rufouss Hummingbird with Orange Flowers, Sierra Vista, AZ

Canada Goose Morning Breath

Black Skimmer in flight skimming, Sebastian FL

Black Skimmer Testing Wings, Sebastian FL

Eastern Bluebird Female with Nest Material in Beak, Missouri

Black Skimmer Pair in Flight Skimming, Sebastian FL

Brown Pelican Dive-bombing, Sebastian FL

Brown Pelican in Flight

Common Galinule Reflection, Orlando FL

Double-breasted Cormorant with Fishing Lure, Sebastian FL

Great Blue Heron in Flight, Sebastian FL

Black Skimmers Pair in Flight, Sebastian FL

Black Skimmer Full Spread, Sebastian FL

Male Eastern Bluebird landing on Nest, Missouri

Great Egret in flight, Sebastian FL

Great Egret in flight, Sebastian FL

Osprey in flight with lizard fish, Sebastian FL

Little Blue Heron Reflection, Meritt Island FL

Osprey Swooping in, Orlando FL

Osprey in flight with Needle Fish, Sebastian FL

American Dipper Napping in Snow

Purple Galinule, Orlando FL

Reddish Egret Running, Sebastian FL

Evening Grosbeak, Colorado

Snow Egret In Flight, Sebastian FL

Snowy Egret Reflection, Sebastian FL

Roseate Spoonbill flying overhead, Sebastian FL

Snowy Egret Wading, Sebastian FL Photo Print

Tricolored heron eating fish, Sebastian, FL

Tricolored Heron, Meritt Island, Florida

Roseate Spoonbill Perched, Orlando FL

Northern Flicker, Fort Collins CO

Anna’s Hummingbird Fighting

Beat of the Sandhill

American Dipper Feeding on Larva

American Dipper Reflection

American Dipper Portrait

American Dipper Preening

Strutting Sandhill Crane, Socorro NM

Sandhill Crane flying in Golden Light

3 Sandhill Cranes in Flight, Socorro, NM

Sunrise Snow Goose Blast-off, Bosque del Apache NM

Snow Goose Pair in Golden Sunset

Cranes & Geese Alpenglow

American Dipper Pooping

Snow Geese in Sunrise, Bosque del Apache NM

Swooping Sandhill Crane, Socorro NM

Snow Geese coming in hot, Socorro NM

Sandhill Cranes Taking off, Socorro NM

Flying Snow Goose in Golden Light, Socorro, NM

Trophy Snow Goose in Mid-flight, Socorro NM

Sandhill Crane Pair in Flight, Socorro NM

Lesser Goldfinch. Sierra Vista, AZ

Greater Sagegrouse Lek

Snow Goose Blastoff, Bosque del Apache, NM

Snow Goose Alpenglow Takeoff, Bosque del Apache NM

Greater Roadrunner with Lizard, Tucson AZ

Bridled Titmouse, Sierra Vista AZ

Black-chinned Hummingbird, Sierra Vista, AZ

Greater Sage Grouse Lek, Colorado Mountains

Great Horned Owl

Anna’s Hummingbird, Sierra Vista, AZ

Prothonotary Warbler

Tom Turkey, Bitterroot Valley, Montana

Snow Geese, Bosque del Apache NM

Rock Wren South Mountain Park AZ

Steller’s Jay, Mt. Rainier, Washington

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